Robby Soave
Robby Soave is an associate editor at Reason magazine and author of Panic Attack: Young Radicals in the Age of Trump. He enjoys writing about culture, politics, education policy, criminal justice reform, television, and video games.
Robby Soave is an associate editor at Reason magazine and author of Panic Attack: Young Radicals in the Age of Trump. He enjoys writing about culture, politics, education policy, criminal justice reform, television, and video games.
Scott Whitlock is the associate editor for the Media Research Center’s website. Previously, he was a contributing editor and the MRC’s senior news analyst.
Inez Feltscher Stepman is a senior contributor at The Federalist. She is also a senior policy analyst at Independent Women’s Forum and the
Matthew Continetti is co-founder and editor in chief of the Washington Free Beacon and a fellow at the National Review Institute. The author of The K Street Gang:
Jordan Schachtel is the national security correspondent for Conservative Review and editor of The Dossier.
Tim Graham is Executive Editor of NewsBusters and is the Media Research Center’s Director of Media Analysis. His career at the MRC began in February 1989 as associate editor of MediaWatch, the monthly newsletter of the MRC before the Internet era.
Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News contributor and a contributing editor of National Review Online.
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