
Drew Juen



How We Prevented COVID-19 Cases At Liberty University

Hindsight is a powerful tool that provides vision and clarity, especially about life and death decisions we make. Looking back over our plan to prevent COVID-19 cases at Liberty University while simultaneously prioritizing the needs of students who lacked the resources and accommodations to weather the storm, we seemed to have struck the perfect balance.

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Campus Notebook: Keeping An Eye On Capitol Drinking, Porn, Theft And Arrests

During the month of April and into early May, Nancy Bass-Wyden, who is married to Oregon Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden, bought a wide range of stocks totaling between $714,000 and $1.8 million. Bass-Wyden bought between $115,000 and $250,000 in Amazon.com Inc., and between $100,000 and $200,000 in The Walt Disney Co.

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  • "The Art of Shredding" -Pantera
  • "(Everything I Do) I Do it for You" -Bryan Adams
  • "Murphy's Law" -Murphy's Law
  • "Shock the Monkey" -Coal Chamber
  • "Your Woman" -White Town
  • "Mouth of Kala" -Gojira