
Drew Juen



Biden Taps Top Bernie Allies To Craft Economic Agenda

Biden Taps Top Bernie Allies To Craft Economic Agenda

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden has called on two of socialist senator Bernie Sanders's (I., Vt.) top allies to help lead an economic advisory group tasked with shaping the party's 2020 agenda.The Biden campaign tapped top Sanders allies Stephanie Kelton and Sara Nelson to join a "unity task force" focused on developing the Democratic platform on the economy.

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Thousands Of Americans Have Become Socialists Since March

Thousands Of Americans Have Become Socialists Since March

Abby Harms was laid off from their job at a Denver board-games store the same day that the city went into lockdown. Within days of filling out a petition for laid-off service workers, Harms (who identifies as nonbinary) got an unexpected call from the local chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America. Did they need food or help getting groceries?

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  • Hogan
  • Tamika
  • Erik Kiilunen



  • "96 Quite Bitter Beings" -CKY
  • "Eat the Rich" -Motorhead
  • "It's All a Blur" -Agent Orange
  • "Can't Wait One Minute More" -CIV
  • "Ultimate Authority" -Prong
  • "One Way Love" -E.G. Daily