
Drew Juen



A Record Number Of Migrant Families Are Showing Up At The Border Despite Trump's Crackdown On Immigration

Despite the Trump administration's efforts to crack down on the number of immigrants arriving at the nation's borders, officials said Tuesday more than 53,000 families were apprehended in March, the highest number recorded in a single month.The number was a significant spike from the 36,531 families apprehended in the month of February and the most

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Mueller's Seething Message: This Isn't A Hoax, This Is A Crime

The comedy team Key and Peele had a running gag in which the always-calm President Barack Obama used an "anger translator" named Luther to interpret Obama's calm language into appropriate outrage. For example, when Obama's character would serenely express his wishes for the conduct of foreign allies, Luther would rant about their actions with profanity.

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  • "Sinking" -Ankla
  • "Meant to Live" -Switchfoot
  • "Got the Time" -Anthrax
  • "Welcome to the Fold" -Filter
  • "Children of the Grave" -Stone Sour
  • "True Faith" -New Order