Bernie Sanders To Defend Democratic Socialism As 'Unfinished Business'
U.S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders will give a speech on Wednesday defending his democratic socialist agenda as the "unfinished business" of former President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal and a vital step toward guaranteed economic rights.
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The Harrowing Pronouncement Scalia Would Make About President Trump's Authority To Secure Our Own Border
"What does sovereignty mean if it does not include the ability to defend your borders?" ~Justice Antonin Scalia, April 25, 2012, Arizona v. U.S. (oral arguments) President Trump seems to have been given the impression that he has no legal options to secure our border, no matter how rapidly the situation deteriorates,
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Trump Says U.S. And Mexico Reach Last-Minute Deal To Avoid Tariffs
Mexico and the United States have agreed on a deal to stop the flow of illegal Central American immigrants from coming into the U.S., President Trump tweeted late Friday. The president said the deal suspended steep tariffs on imported Mexican goods that would have gone into effect on Monday.
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London Bus Attack: Arrests After Gay Couple Who Refused To Kiss Beaten
Melania Geymonat, 28, said the attack on her and her partner Chris happened on the top deck of a London night bus as they were travelling to Camden Town. A group of young men began harassing them when they discovered the women were together, asking them to kiss while making sexual gestures.
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Mexican Armed Forces Meets Migrants At Southern Border
Mexican soldiers, armed police and migration officials blocked hundreds of migrants after they crossed the border from Guatemala in a caravan into southern Mexico on Wednesday, and detained dozens of them, a witness from a migrant aid group and an official said.The Mexican response in the border town of Metapa, which included dozens of soldiers, marked a toughening of the government's efforts to curb the flow of mainly Central American migrants, said Salva Cruz, a coordinator with Fray Matias de Cordova.
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Mexico Draws Red Line On Asylum As Trump Tariff Risk Rises
Mexico said on Monday it would reject a U.S. idea to take in all Central American asylum seekers if it is raised at talks this week with the Trump administration, which has threatened to impose tariffs if Mexico does not crack down on illegal immigration.President Donald Trump said last week he would impose a blanket tariff on Mexican imports on June 10 to try to pressure Mexico to tackle large flows of mostly Central American migrants passing through en route to the United States.
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A White Man's Republic, If They Can Keep It
Seven years ago, as the Supreme Court considered a challenge to the Voting Rights Act, Justice Antonin Scalia said the quiet part loud.The 2006 near-unanimous renewal of the landmark civil-rights bill was "attributable, very likely attributable, to a phenomenon that is called perpetuation of racial entitlement," Scalia lectured then-Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli. "Whenever a society adopts racial entitlements, it is very difficult to get out of them through the normal political processes."
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What Is Mexico Doing - And Not Doing - To Keep Migrants From Crossing Into The U.S.?
Mexico's president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, ran for office preaching the need to respect the rights of migrants. But since he took office in December, his administration has attempted to prove both to the Trump administration and to Central American asylum seekers that it will not allow unencumbered passage through Mexico.
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