Clyde Wayne Crews
Clyde Wayne Crews
Vice President for Policy and Senior Fellow for
Wayne Crews is vice president for policy and a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. His work explores the impact of government regulation of free enterprise. He studies antitrust and competition policy, safety and environmental issues, and the challenges of the information age like privacy, online security, broadband policy, and intellectual property.
Crews is the author of the annual report, "Ten Thousand Commandments: An Annual Snapshot of the Federal Regulatory State." He co-authored "This Liberal Congress Went to Market?," a Bipartisan Policy Agenda for the 110th Congress, and "Communications without Commissions: A National Plan for Reforming Telecom Regulation." Prior to the assorted government bailouts now taking place, he wrote the report, "Still Stimulating Like It’s 1999: Time to Rethink Bipartisan Collusion on Economic Stimulus Packages."