Jaco Booyens
Jaco Booyens
Professional Sportsman
Jaco Booyens is a native of South Africa and an American citizen. Fighting sex trafficking is personal to Jaco. After witnessing the horrors of trafficking through his younger sister, who is now a survivor, Jaco turned abolitionist in 2001. He is a well-recognized speaker on human trafficking, Christian faith, and motivation.
Jaco is a Co-Founder and BOD member of Eden Green Technology with the mission to feed the world and eradicate food deserts in the USA and abroad through this revolutionary award-winning vertical farming technology. Jaco is the Co-Founder of RESTŌR Coffee Company giving its proceeds to place Trafficking Survivors in long term healing centers, Co-Founder of FreeSpace Social, a social media platform for all to express personal faith, beliefs, and views freely, Co-Founder of REVVL Life with world-known Dr. Pete Sulak, delivering a supplement line named RESTORE to truly teach people how to restore health with adaptogens and natural herbs and Co-owner and advisor to the revolutionary technology company SKYLAB Tech Republic.