KT McFarland

Drew Juen

Kathleen Troia "KT" McFarland was President Trump’s first Deputy National Security Advisor.

Kathleen Troia "KT" McFarland was President Trump’s first Deputy National Security Advisor, starting with the Trump Tower Transition and through the early months of the Administration. She also chaired the interagency Deputies’ Committee, which brings together government departments and agencies to make policy recommendations to the President. She initiated the Trump Administration’s reassessment of a range of national security issues, beginning with North Korea and China.

Prior to her role in the Trump White House, KT was FOX News' National Security Analyst from 2010-2016 and appeared regularly on FOX and FOX Business News programs. Ms. McFarland anchored FOXNews.com's "DEFCON3" and wrote a regular column for the FOX Opinion page. During this period, she also appeared weekly as commentator for several national radio shows.