Rep. Tim Walberg

Shailja kaushik

United States Representative

Tim Walberg is currently serving his eighth term in Congress as the representative of southern Michigan, making him Dean of the Michigan House delegation. The diverse constituency of Michigan’s 5th District encompasses Branch, Cass, Hillsdale, Jackson, Lenawee, Monroe, and St. Joseph Counties, along with portions of Berrien, Calhoun, and Kalamazoo Counties. Since first taking office, Tim has hosted hundreds of coffee and town hall meetings to better understand the thoughts and concerns of the district.

Prior to his time in public office, Tim served as a pastor in Michigan and Indiana, as president of the Warren Reuther Center for Education and Community Impact, and as a division manager for Moody Bible Institute. He also served in the Michigan House of Representatives from 1983 to 1999, and is proud to bring his reputation as a principled legislator, fiscal reformer, and defender of traditional values to Washington.