Yuval Levin

Drew Juen

Yuval Levin is a resident scholar and director of Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and the founding editor of National Affairs. He is also a senior editor of The New Atlantis and a contributing editor to National Review. Dr. Levin and scholars in this AEI research division study the foundations of self-government and the future of law, regulation, and constitutionalism. They also explore the state of American social, political, and civic life, while focusing on the preconditions necessary for family, community, and country to flourish.

Books by Yuval Levin

  • book-image-the-fractured-republic-by-yuval-levin
  • book-image-a-time-to-build-by-yuval-levin
  • book-image-the-great-debate-by-yuval-levin