Democrats' Unprecedented Approach To The Trump Impeachment
Much of the attention for House Resolution 660, passed by House Democrats on Halloween, has failed to note the significant differences with resolutions authorizing previous presidential impeachments.
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Horses for Heroes
Horses For Heroes - New Mexico, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Cowboy Up! is a unique horsemanship, wellness and Skill-set Restructuring™ program based in Santa Fe, NM free to ALL post 9/11 Veterans
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Captured Al-Baghdadi Wife Revealed Plenty About ISIS, Source Says
One of slain Islamic State of Iraq and Iran (ISIS) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's wives revealed "a lot of information" about the jihadist group's "inner workings" after she was captured last year, a Turkish official told Agence France-Presse.
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"The Booing Is F***ing Us Up": 'The View' Melts Down Over Donald Trump Jr. Visit
Guests clashed with hosts and hosts clashed with audience members at the ABC show on Thursday. "The booing is fucking us up," The View co-host Whoopi Goldberg told the morning show's audience during a commercial break on Thursday. "It's messing with everyone's mic. You can grimace and all that. All we hear is booing."
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Billionaires Only? Warren Errs In Saying Whom Her Health Plan Would Tax
When Senator Elizabeth Warren laid out her plan for "Medicare for all" on Friday, she said she would raise taxes on the top 1 percent of households to help pay for it. The middle class, she said, would not pay "one penny" more.
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Republicans Lie, Democrats Misstate: A New York Times Style Guide
Politicians tend to make stuff up. When that happens, the media coverage tends to differ depending on the letter next to the offending politician's name. The New York Times, for example, took a markedly different tone in covering Hillary Clinton's bogus 2008 claim about landing under sniper fire in Bosnia
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Impeachment a winner for Democrats? Don’t bet on it
If the goal was to damage President Trump by formalizing the impeachment inquiry, it’s Mission Unaccomplished for House Democrats. If anything, the vote solidified Trump’s hold on power. There were zero GOP defections, meaning we have zero drama heading into the public phase of impeachment.
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READ: Elizabeth Warren's Plan To Pay For 'Medicare For All'
Sen. Elizabeth Warren says she can fund "Medicare for All" without raising taxes on the middle class. Instead, among other things, she would boost the wealth tax on the ultra-rich that she has promoted on the campaign trail.
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